Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Marriage of Philip Sullivan and Ellen Connor

At long last, thanks to Lori Reiss (wife of great, great grandson of James Connor and Anastasia Colfer) sharing the Connor Family Bible with me, the marriage record of Philip Sullivan and Ellen Connor has been located.

The Bible provided the location of their marriage, Old St. John Church, Chicago, Illinois.  Although the Bible page states the marriage occurred on November 5, 1865 (the year cannot be read on the Bible page as it was written into the decorative edging) the entry has been located in Old St. John's Marriage Register and the date given is November 2, 1865.

Fifth entry on right hand page

Witnesses: Peter Ledy and Bridget Connor
Note the Connor name is spelled Conners.  Bridget is believed to be Ellen's sister.  The name Ledy (or Leddy) appears associated with the Sullivans in other documents.